The Literacy Bug

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Changes are afoot

I have a question for the regular visitors out there, though I don’t have a prize for the first to answer. Does anyone notice anything different about the website’s logo? 

Perhaps, you notice something different about the website’s web address (, too.

If you said “Literacy”, you would be correct. Wittgenstein on Learning has subtly become Wittgenstein on Literacy, yet the subtitle for the site remains the same, A Wittgensteinian Perspective on Language, Literacy and Learning. The change acknowledges how the topic of literacy teaching and learning has become a significant, though not sole, emphasis of the site.

Regular visitors might also notice a couple other updates to the site. First, the Why Wittgenstein? essay has become the site’s homepage. Second, the General Introduction page has been updated and is now the Introduction to the Teaching Folder.

In other news, I’ll be working the Literacy Glossary over the next few weeks. I hope to have a draft soon, though I can’t provide a date at this stage.

In the meantime, please explore and enjoy!